What a Difference a Row Makes

Cotton treated with AgLogic® aldicarb vs. untreated cotton

It doesn’t take much to visualize how much AgLogic® aldicarb contributes to a row of cotton plants. One little mechanical malfunction in a hopper box is worth a thousand words.

Treated vs. Untreated 

“This wasn’t meant to be a research trial,” says Paul Hawkins, Bishopville, SC grower. “We simply had a rotor in one of the boxes that malfunctioned. You can see that untreated row across the entire field.”

Except for the one row, Hawkins applied AgLogic® aldicarb at 4.5 lbs. per acre. 

“I used the product in the past when it was sold under the brand name Temik,” he says. “Then it was off the market for a few years.”You don’t know sometimes how much you’re going to miss something until it’s gone. This is a good reminder.”

Photo Credit: Jerry Adams Consulting

Early Grow-Off

“There is something about the product that you can see visually from the time the seedling takes it up in the roots,” Hawkins says. “Stronger. More vigorous. Healthier. Then the insects start showing up and you can really see the difference. The insects don’t have a chance where it was treated with AgLogic® aldicarb.”

Hawkins won the Lee County First Cotton Bloom contest on June 21, 2019. There’s something to say about earliness,” he says. “You can see it play out through the season.”

Thrips & Early Season Pests

“We had really heavy thrips pressure this year,” Hawkins says. “It was very dry at planting and for about a month after that. When the rain hit, the plants with AgLogic® aldicarb took off like a rocket. The untreated row is catching up a bit in terms of height, but there is a definite difference in squaring. There’s no doubt in my mind, this will continue through harvest.”


“We definitely have a problem with nematodes in this area. We’ve got the most destructive – root- knot, reniform and lance. Even if you discount thrips, aphids and other early season pests, that’s where AgLogic® really makes a show. And, believe me, I’m not discounting other early season pests.”

This article will be updated at harvest at: www.aglogicchemical.com