Supercharge Growers’ Yields & Profits

AgLogic® 15GG aldicarb has benefits beyond pest control – including establishing stronger roots and early plant vigor to support faster canopy development. Recommend it this season to increase your clients’ profits and solidify their trust.

Get Fierce Protection for Growers’ Investments

AgLogic 15GG aldicarb, previously known as Temik, gives cotton, peanuts, dry beans, soybeans, sugar beets and sweet potatoes superior protection against pests. While seed treatments are showing resistance to pests, AgLogic 15GG aldicarb is stopping nematodes, thrips, aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies and mites in their tracks. Grow your market share with the product whose performance crushes the competition.

  • Cotton
  • Peanuts
  • Dry Beans
  • Soybeans
  • Sugar Beets
  • Sweet Potatoes

Increase yields by an average of 539 Ibs. per acre

See how AgLogic 15GG aldicarb applied to peanuts at 7 lbs. per acre at plant increased yields by an average of 539 lbs. per acre and earned growers $126 more per acre in a multi-year data summary.*

Earn up to $115.50 more in profit per cotton acre

Over the years, growers using AgLogic 15GG aldicarb have enjoyed an average of 145 pounds more lint per acre, compared to those treated with neonicotinoid seed treatments, adding to their profits.**

When a Row Misses an AgLogic 15GG Aldicarb Application, You Miss Out

From faster early season grow off to higher yields at harvest, the benefits of AgLogic 15GG aldicarb last all season long. In the photos below, the row in the middle missed an application of AgLogic 15GG aldicarb.

Pest Protection that Works as Hard as Growers Do

AgLogic 15GG aldicarb is applied at planting and post emergence to better protect crops from profit-eating pests. Without these pests, crops can establish stronger roots and early plant vigor, supporting faster canopy development and significantly higher potential for increased yields.

Cotton treated with AgLogic 15GG aldicarb grows faster, has healthier foliage, and more vigorous root growth than competitive seed treatments.

Help Growers Stop Wasting Time & Money

With AgLogic 15GG aldicarb, the roots and leaves of plants are protected, eliminating the need for costly and labor-intensive foliar spray applications.

Peanut growers have earned up to $126 more in net profit per acre using AgLogic 15GG aldicarb.

Promote Faster Growth, Enjoy Greater Results

Crops can grow faster, taller and create a greater canopy more quickly with AgLogic 15GG aldicarb. A strong start to the season is growers’ best bet for higher potential yields at harvest time.

Treating cotton with AgLogic 15GG aldicarb significantly boosted boll set and productivity over competitors’ products.

AgLogic 15GG aldicarb is the most consistent choice for thrips and nematodes. There’s also the earliness factor that lets me get in the field to harvest sooner.

Lyle Carraway
Cotton Grower, Lynchburg, South Carolina

Help Your Clients Get Better Results This Season

Get better results with AgLogic 15GG aldicarb.

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    Results may vary.
    Gaucho® is a trademark of Bayer Crop Science.
    * A multi-year data summary showed aldicarb applied to peanuts at 7 lbs./acre at-plant increased yields by an average of 539 lbs./acre.
    ** In a three-year summary of 42 university extension field studies conducted across the Cotton Belt AgLogic 15GG aldicarb out yielded neonicotinoid seed treatments 88% of the time with a summary average of 145 lbs. of lint/acre in non-nematode and nematode soils.